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Date: July 3, 2024
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Fleet renewal: De Lijn puts new generation VDL eBuses into service in Destelbergen

The first 5 of 24 buses will reinforce the Flemish Transport Company’s electric fleet in the Ghent region. What are De Lijn's objectives?
De Lijn puts new generation VDL eBuses into service in Destelbergen

De Lijn introduces the first new generation electric buses from supplier VDL into service from the Destelbergen depot on 1 July.

The first five of 24 units will reinforce the Flemish Transport Company’s electric fleet in the Ghent region.

This depot expects another five e-buses in the coming weeks and months, and the remaining 14 vehicles from this order will be deployed from the Sint-Niklaas depot.

“During the last legislative term, we effectively initiated the greening of De Lijn’s bus fleet. With the additional investment funds provided, the transport company was able to place several orders,” says Lydia Peeters, the outgoing Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works.

“E-buses do not consume fossil fuels and emit absolutely nothing. This is a great advantage both for the climate and for the health of those in or around the bus,” she adds.

Moreover, De Lijn only purchases green electricity, so there are no emissions in the production of energy either.

“It is essential that this transition continues and that the necessary resources are provided,” Peeters indicates.

“Like all other e-buses, they have many features that increase passenger comfort, such as USB charging points for smartphones, extra-wide information screens with stop information, electrically operated ramps for less mobile passengers, seats with recycled leather, wood-look flooring, and improved ventilation,” states Ann Schoubs, Director-General of De Lijn.

“The e-buses are equipped with safety features that would not be out of place in the most modern cars, such as cameras instead of mirrors and multiple detection systems to spot pedestrians and cyclists. Special attention has been given to the driver’s cabin, which has its own air conditioning and a heated and ventilated seat,” she adds.

The new e-buses will serve the Ghent region from Destelbergen. Their introduction will rejuvenate the Ghent bus fleet.

Elsie Sierens, Mayor of Destelbergen, says: “The move towards sustainable public transport and the choice for electrification fits perfectly with the goals of the Covenant of Mayors and the Local Energy and Climate Pact.”

And she continues: “That we can offer a first in Destelbergen, with the first VDL e-buses serving the region from here, delights us all the more.”

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