Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: August 27, 2024
Foto Javi MP
By Javiera Altamirano

Waybler overcomes the “impossible”: charges up to 6 times more EVs than competitors

The company enables more EVs to be charged with the available electricity thanks to its cloud-based energy management service. It is now seeking new partners and expansion into other markets. What benefits does Waybler offer?

Waybler is a company that believes in using existing electrical capacity more efficiently rather than maximising capacity, which involves high costs. 

Their solution allows multiple electric vehicles (EVs) to be charged simultaneously.

“It’s surprising how many cars we can charge. Several competitors claim it’s impossible because they can’t do it, but we’ve been doing it for five years,” says Niclas Crepin, Marketing Manager at Waybler, in dialogue with Mobility Portal Europe.

“We see that it works and our customers are happy,” he adds.

This intelligent distribution of electricity, which enables charging up to six times more vehicles, is achieved through their patented load balancing system. 

Notably, the company provides a complete solution, from the charging box to the service, management, and app. 

Additionally, Waybler’s cloud-based energy management service is key.

“Ensuring that multiple cars can be charged with the available power is the way to reduce costs and make it possible for everyone to drive an electric car,” comments Kurt Högnelid, CEO and Co-Founder of Waybler.

This was the reason the company started offering its solution.

“We saw that the available solutions wouldn’t work if everyone drove an electric car,” Högnelid explains.

Kurt Högnelid, CEO and Co-Founder of Waybler.

Who can benefit from Waybler’s solutions?

On one hand, Waybler focuses on businesses, offering its intelligent charging solution for employees and service vehicles. 

Both company fleets and personal vehicles of employees can take advantage of it. 

Notably, with AdminCenter, users can manage payment rights depending on who will be charging, where, and when. 

Additionally, those charging can do so seamlessly with the help of the Waybler UserApp.

On the other hand, Waybler also offers its solutions to condominiums and other residential buildings. 

Their patented charging boxes and load balancing with double sockets allow for charging a greater number of vehicles with the existing electrical capacity.

“We reduce costs across the board, ensuring that the driver, property owner, and everyone involved benefits,” says Högnelid. 

He adds, “The goal is to ensure that everyone can drive an electric car and that it is cost-effective for all parties involved.”

Waybler embraces “flexibility”

The company will be focusing more and more on what is called “flexibility”, which allows for balancing vehicle charging with facility usage, electricity production, and the power electrical grid. 

“So, if there are limitations on the grid, we can reduce the charging load for a period of time,” Högnelid explains.

This is done automatically in the cloud system, so no manual intervention is required from Waybler. 

“This reduces costs because no one has to manage its operation,” the CEO confirms.

Waybler expands to new markets and seeks partners

Although Waybler is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the company is also present in other countries such as Norway, Luxembourg, and Germany

“We are now heading to Finland and will be expanding into other markets, as electric vehicle penetration increases,” reveals the CEO.

To enter specific markets, there must be a “reasonable” demand for EVs.

“For us to enter Germany, we waited until penetration was high enough to make it worthwhile,” Högnelid recalls.

Additionally, the company is looking for new partners, not only in Sweden but across Europe. 

“We are looking for smart salespeople.  Many are good at selling charging boxes, but that’s an easy sale,” admits the CEO. 

He continues, “We offer something more complex, so it’s necessary to explain to the customer why it’s beneficial in the long term.”

It’s worth mentioning that their partners are resellers who can handle more complex sales, as Waybler’s solution includes everything from the charging box to the service, management, and app. 

“They have to work harder, but they earn more money,” Högnelid confirms.

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