Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: May 23, 2024
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Expansion in CEE: cargo-partner launches eTruck testing program

The initial testing phase began in Austria and Slovakia. Mercedes-Benz trucks and the FUSO eCanter were tested. How is this program progressing?

cargo-partner‘s Overland management has committed to deploying at least five electric trucks within the local Road Transport segment in Europe by the end of 2024.

These vehicles, with capacities ranging from 7.5 to 10 tons, will be dedicated to first- and last-mile pickups and deliveries, emphasizing the company’s commitment to environmentally friendly logistics solutions.

The initial phase of testing began in Austria at the end of March and in Slovakia in mid-April.

This rollout marks the beginning of a broader plan to expand the use of electric trucks across other countries in the Central and Eastern Europe region.

Thomas Schledorn, Chief Operating Officer Overland at cargo-partner, stated: “cargo-partner is committed to driving sustainable innovation in the logistics industry.”

And he adds: “We are very pleased by the positive results of the initial trial runs in Austria and Slovakia, and we look forward to testing electric trucks in other countries soon”.

Successful trials with Mercedes-Benz eActros-300 eTrucks

In Austria, the firm tested the Mercedes-Benz eActros-300, which boasts a driving range of 250-300 kilometers (km) on a single charge.

Operating from cargo-partner’s hub near the Vienna airport, the truck performed emissions-free and noiseless collection and delivery operations, transporting an average of 5.5 tons of cargo daily.

A significant milestone was a tour to St. Pölten, where the eActros delivered a total payload of 6.9 tons over 264 km.

With an average energy consumption of only one kilowatt-hour, the vehicle demonstrated high energy efficiency, ending the day with 38 per cent battery capacity remaining.

FUSO eCanter’s impressive performance

In Slovakia, the company trialed the FUSO eCanter truck over two weeks.

This electric vehicle has a power output of 123.9 kilowatts, a payload capacity of 3.1 tons, and a driving range of up to 200 kilometres on a single charge.

The testing focused on daily trips within Bratislava and included routes to and from Vienna, Fischamend, and Dunajska Streda.

The eCanter achieved an average energy consumption of 1 kWh/km, matching the efficiency of conventional trucks but with the added benefit of zero emissions.

Future plans and implementation

Based on the positive outcomes of the trials, cargo-partner plans to integrate eVehicles into daily operations in collaboration with trusted core carriers.

The company will also install charging stations at its hubs to support the seamless operation of these cars.

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