Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: June 20, 2024
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By Mobility Portal

China criticises Europe’s “slow” eMobility progress and defends its cars

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (CCCEU) stresses the importance of importing Chinese-made electric vehicles to meet the EU’s energy transition goals, criticising Europe’s slow development and urging cooperation to advance sustainable mobility.
China criticises Europe's "slow" eMobility progress and defends its cars
Xi Jinping and Ursula von der Leyen.

In a pointed critique, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (CCCEU) has reiterated the necessity of importing electric vehicles (EVs) manufactured in China if the 27 EU member states are to achieve their energy transition targets.

In a report, the CCCEU emphasised that cooperation is the “only path” to expedite the shift towards less carbon-dependent economies, highlighting the mutual benefits and learning opportunities between China and Europe in promoting and advancing industrial transformation.

The report conveys Beijing’s dissatisfaction with what it perceives as the European Union’s tendency to introduce “new trade barriers” influenced by its representatives.

Chinese authorities argue that these barriers hinder the importation of their advanced electric vehicles, which they claim are essential for Europe’s transition to sustainable mobility.

The CCCEU underscored that Asian automotive manufacturers have consistently invested in research and development, positioning them at the forefront of new motorisation technologies crucial for building sustainable infrastructure.

Moreover, the report notes a significant decline in the market performance of Chinese EV manufacturers in Europe, with a 73 per cent reduction in sales following an 82 per cent drop in investor confidence due to potential tariffs proposed by the European Commission.

Simultaneously, it has been reported that automakers from the Asian country are lobbying the government of Xi Jinping to impose higher tariffs on gasoline-powered vehicle imports from the EU.

In a closed-door meeting attended by Chinese and European automotive leaders, Asian business executives called for increased trade pressure on high-emission cars.

The current import tariff for cars in China stands at 15 per cent, but automakers are advocating for an increase to 25 per cent.

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, such measures could cost the industry up to 4 billion euros in trade exchanges.

This report underscores the growing tensions and the complex trade dynamics between China and the EU, as both regions navigate the path towards a sustainable automotive future.

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