The German federal government has suspended numerous funding programmes aimed at promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and the deployment of charging infrastructure due to the significant budget deficit the country is facing.
However, it has recently resumed the fund intended to the installation of rapid chargers in businesses.

In this context, Marc-Oliver Prinzing, Chairman of the Board of the Bundesverband Betriebliche Mobilität e. V. (BBM), stated to Mobility Portal Europe:
“We are fundamentally of the opinion that state intervention should be used as little as possible and ideally, not be necessary at all.”
He emphasises: “But if there are subsidies, then one should be able to rely on them.”
In this regard, security and reliability in planning are paramount criteria when companies invest.
Moreover, people need to be “involved, inspired and qualified”, as comprehensive know-how is essential for the development of sustainable corporate mobility management.
To this end, the association advocates for the promotion of qualification measures in the field for professionals.
In this context, BBM offers courses and numerous individual training modules tailored to electric vehicles, as employees of companies need specialised knowledge to shape this transition.
Compared to other funding measures, this allows for quick and direct influence and an acceleration of changes.
At the same time, the “BBM Mobility Survey” conducted by the association made clear the need among employees to expand local public transport (ÖPNV), with 82 per cent of respondents in favour.
It is noteworthy that more than 950 participants took part in the study.
This is also supported by BBM, which highlights the need to promote this type of transport over the so-called company car.
It is important to mention that some employees have little reason to switch to public mobility, as those driving a company car may not even pay for petrol, which has consequences for both the climate and traffic.
50.8 per cent of respondents commute to work by car, and 6.6 per cent of them have an electric one.
Only 17.9 per cent use the bus and train, while the rest go by bicycle or on foot.
Similarly, the automobile remains the preferred mode of transport for business trips.
In three out of four of these journeys, employees use this vehicle, while only a fifth use buses and trains.
For this reason, the association strives to abandon the concept of the company car and to promote sustainable management of this mobility.
But if journeys are to be made in cars, they should be electric.
“The expectations of companies are that the framework conditions, such as the charging infrastructure, will continue to improve and that the billing modalities will be simplified and standardized as far as possible,” says Prinzing.
This is one of the fundamentals, in addition to the development and offering of models that meet the mobility needs of companies and are “deliverable, sustainable, and efficient”.
Moreover, “charging must become as easy as refueling today,” emphasises the Chairman of the Board of the Bundesverband Betriebliche Mobilität e.V.
About BBM
The Bundesverband Betriebliche Mobilität e.V., its name in English being the Federal Association of Corporate Mobility, is the voice of companies for whom operational mobility is an important factor.
In this sense, it addresses relevant issues for fleet and mobility management and seeks dialogue with industry and politics.
Previously known as the Bundesverband Fuhrparkmanagement eV, BBM was founded on 27 October 2010 and is Germany’s largest network focused on operational transportability.
Its members include companies that use its expertise and services to professionalise, enhance profitability, and reduce risks in mobility and fleet control.
Its primary mission is the transformation of corporate transport.
To this end, it ensures the qualifications of fleet and travel managers and keeps its members informed of technological, organisational, and procedural developments and trends in their field.