Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: August 29, 2024
By Ailén Pedrotti
Spain flag

Madrid launches new tender! Here’s the offer for a 26-electric vehicle charging station

Mobility Portal España provides details on the new public tender launched by the Madrid City Council for the establishment of a new charging station. The investment is approximately EUR 2,550,000, and project submissions will remain open until October 2nd, 2024.
Madrid launches new tender! Here’s the offer for a 26-electric vehicle charging station

On August 19, Madrid City Council opened a new tender for the granting of private use of a plot at Calle Juan Mieg 13.

The main objective? To award the construction and operation of a 2 MW battery charging station for electric vehicles. 

The total value of the contract is approximately 2,550,000 euros, according to what Mobility Portal España was able to find out, and will have a deadline for submitting offers that will end on October 2, 2024.

The concession will last for 15 years, during which the successful bidder will be responsible for building and managing the charging station.

All this, in addition to assuming payment to the distribution company for the connection, connection and other work necessary to ensure adequate electricity supply.

Furthermore, the specifications indicate that the new eMobility charging station will have to be designed to offer an efficient and low-cost service for both users and the electrical system.

It must have two rapid charging systems: one for four N1 and N2 type vehicles, with a minimum power of 150 kW in direct current, and another for 22 M type vehicles, with a maximum power equal to or greater than 50 kW. 

This approach will allow for the provision of services for both light commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles, contributing to the diversification of the charging infrastructure in Madrid.

In detail: Madrid and its technical and professional solvency requirements 

To participate in this tender, interested companies must demonstrate their technical and professional solvency. 

Applicants will be required to provide proof of having provided similar services in the last three years (2021, 2022 and 2023). 

Specifically, they must prove that they have participated in one or more contracts related to the installation, management and operation of electric vehicle charging points, with at least 10 rapid charging points installed or managed in one of those years. 

These charging points must offer a maximum output power of at least 50 kW.

In addition, companies must have sufficient human and technical resources to execute the project without compromising their full capabilities. 

In the case of new companies less than three years old, they may prove their technical solvency by means of a declaration detailing the machinery, material and technical equipment available for the execution of the works.

This declaration must justify that these resources are sufficient to meet the requirements of the concession, especially with regard to the time frame for putting the station into service.

One detail to bear in mind is that Acciona has won one of the last tenders of this type in the city.

Opportunities similar to those in Madrid: Córdoba will install 100 new chargers next spring

The City Council of Córdoba will put out to tender the installation of 100 charging points for electric cars.

A project that will be operational by spring 2025 and will be a public concession to the company that is awarded the contract in a process that is already underway.

There will be 100 semi-fast charging points, spread throughout the city, with the possibility of becoming fast and ultra-fast chargers in the future.

“We have been looking at what has been done in other cities, such as Seville, Malaga or Valencia. Places where they have got some things right, others not so much, and we have taken careful note. We have spoken with companies in the sector and with users,” said the deputy mayor for Mobility,  Bernardo Jordano.

The government team hopes that these charging points, which will be added to the 50 that already exist in the capital in commercial areas, will become an additional attraction for the arrival of tourists, since they allow planning trips with a stop in Córdoba to charge the batteries of the cars.

«We have always said that Córdoba is interesting from a logistical point of view and that niche market of tourists who own an electric vehicle, we can perfectly attract them because they could plan the route already thinking about where they are going to stop. If we can offer them something more, so that their charging time is not a waiting time for paperwork, but they can take advantage of it to have a coffee or, if they want to spend more time, to be able to visit interesting areas of the city; we will be doing something important. We have to take advantage of it», concluded Jordano.

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