Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: April 2, 2024
Inés Platini
By Inés Platini
Spain flag

Sector confirms continuity of the Plan Moves: What lies ahead after July 31?

With just a few months left until the end of the third call for Moves, various sector experts are ensuring its continuity with the arrival of a fourth edition. When and what changes are expected?

Last month, Joan Groizard, Director General of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), revealed in an interview that while the sector is demanding that the Plan Moves continue to exist, “as of today, the program concludes on the announced date.”

Adriano Mones Bayo, CharIN Ambassador.

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) announced the extension of Plan Moves III until July 31 of this year, but will there be changes?

During the latest event organized by this portal, Adriano Mones Bayo, CharIN Ambassador, revealed:

It is expected to be launched in the second half of this year, provided certain conditions are met.”

And this is not all…

Mobility Portal España, in contact with sector sources, has learned that the administration “expects Moves IV to be released around mid-this year.”

This decision aims to maintain the momentum towards the electrification of transport, in line with the objective of reaching 5.5 million electric vehicles (EVs) in circulation by 2030.

José Martín Castro, president of AER.

As the end date approaches, speculation in the sector begins about the possibility of a fourth call, emphasizing the need to make changes to the program.

Would it be advisable for the aid not to continue, as is already the case in other European Union countries?

José Martín Castro, president of the Spanish Association of Vehicle Renting (AER), does not rule out that this trend could be replicated at the local level, but considers it not feasible in the short term.

Regarding this, Xavier Castellsagué, Head of the Endolla Barcelona Unit, tells Mobility Portal España:

Xavier Castellsagué, Head of the Endolla Barcelona Unit.

Spain needs a higher level of incentives, as it does not have the same purchasing power as the northern countries.”

However, in the face of a possible new call, certain changes need to be applied.

One of the most recurrent proposals is the advancement of aid to buyers or the deduction of these at the time of purchase.

This is because, not being a direct aid nor having certainty about its concession period, it only incentivizes those who can finance the transaction without the need for support.

“If this change is implemented, sales of electric cars will soar,” says Castellsagué.

It is worth noting that the current design of Moves implies a long and fragmented administrative process in several phases that hinder its processing.

That is why, for example, for the deployment of charging infrastructure, it is expected that the procedure will be expedited, especially for fast and ultra-fast charging, whose deployment can take months, or even years, to complete.

Sector specialist Ricard Puiggròs.

In this regard, sector specialist Ricard Puiggròs emphasizes: “The current Moves is too complex and is not achieving the efficiency and effectiveness it should.”

From the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (AEDIVE), there is insistence on the need to approve a new simplified and evolved plan.

This must include, among other aspects, elements that increase its amount for lower-income groups.

It will also be necessary to automate and expedite administrative procedures, and create specific aid lines.

Puiggròs agrees.

“Now there are rumors of a possible change, and I hope this implies simplifying the process, as those in need will not opt for an electric car if they have to wait two years to receive the aid.”

From the sector, it is also suggested to complement Moves with a fiscal shock plan that includes improvements in VAT, corporate tax, and registration tax.

A clear strategy involving both public administrations and private companies in the sector is considered essential.

“The absence of this is generating a lot of uncertainty among potential buyers, and this means that demand is not pushing as strongly as it could,” emphasizes José Martín Castro.

Sara Aagesen, Secretary of State for Energy.

Recently, the Secretary of State for Energy, Sara Aagesen, highlighted that approximately 1,690 million euros have been mobilized in three programs of the Plan Moves, thanks to the European Next Gen funds.

Initially, the budget managed by IDAE was 400 million euros, but it was expanded to 1,200 million.

The amount of aid varies depending on the type of vehicle and can reach up to 7,000 euros (9,000 euros with scrapping) for commercial vehicles and up to 4,500 euros (7,000 euros with scrapping) for cars.

In addition, the installation of recharging infrastructures is incentivized both in public and private access locations.

To date, about 57 per cent of the budget has been resolved, equivalent to about 556.9 million euros of the 978.7 million euros allocated.

In this context, there are still about 140 million euros remaining, and 1,057 million euros have been allocated.

Aagesen maintains that the Administration will continue working to continue promoting the growth of the sector.

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