Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: March 29, 2024
Inés Platini
By Inés Platini
Spain flag

How can Artificial Intelligence simplify the application processes for the Plan Moves?

Serimag, the leading company in Spain in Intelligent Automation of Document Processes through Artificial Intelligence, is opening a department focused exclusively on the public sector with the purpose, among other objectives, of optimizing the management of procedures, such as those related to the Plan Moves.
Andrea-Vilar-Serimag-Artificial Intelligence-Plan Moves
Andrea Vilar, Head of the Public Area at Serimag.

In today’s context, where accelerating the transition to electric mobility through improved management of bureaucratic processes becomes crucial, Serimag introduces an innovative solution for the sector.

In the application process for the Plan Moves, solely for the acquisition of electric vehicles (EVs), stakeholders must submit an average of eight documents.

In a first stage, the vehicle purchase is formalized, selecting a model that fits the program, and the corresponding aid amount is determined.

Subsequently, the initial phase begins, in which applicants must provide a series of data, such as the budget copy, a responsible declaration, and the certificate of registration, among other requirements.

Then, it moves to the second stage, where a copy of the sales invoice, a document justifying payment, a copy of the circulation permit, and the bank account number are required.

This documentation must then be validated by the regional administration.

According to information provided by the leading automation company, approximately 21,500 applications were received in Catalonia alone in 2023, resulting in a total of 170,000 files.

Currently, the average resolution time for a request ranges from one to one and a half years.

While with the solution offered by Serimag, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a leading role, the administration of such requests can be completed “within a matter of hours.”

“We automate document management through Artificial Intelligence, facilitating an efficient and rapid resolution of the situation, or we prevent it from reaching that ‘bottleneck’,” says Andrea Vilar, Head of the Public Area, to Mobility Portal España.

As a result, the company helps reduce response times by streamlining processes and reducing costs by 40 per cent to 50 per cent.

The accuracy rate of their services is 99 per cent or higher.

In this way, what is currently done manually can be resolved by the firm in a matter of minutes, providing an immediate response to the citizen or company requesting assistance.

This solution aligns with the call from the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (AEDIVE in Spanish) in its document titled “Proposals for a roadmap for electric mobility.”

There, they urge the approval of a new, simplified, and updated Plan Moves, which includes, among other measures, the automation and streamlining of its processing.

With over 15 years of experience dedicated to implementing AI-based solutions, Serimag enters the public sector to optimize the foundations of its daily operations.

“We are convinced that our work can bring great value to the Public Administration,” says Vilar.

This is supported by recent statements from the Minister for Digital Transformation and Public Function, José Luis Escrivá, during his appearance before the Senate’s Digital Transformation Committee.

Escrivá has presented three broad consensuses to the senators for this legislature, with the aim of, among others, harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence to boost economic activity and improve the quality of public services.

Serimag offices in Barcelona.

The Spanish company has a team of experts who have developed an Artificial Intelligence solution trusted by major banking entities, such as Caixabank, BBVA, Santander, ING, among others.

It helps provide them with a more efficient and higher quality service.

“In the private sector, our work has been and continues to be a fundamental strategic partner in the entire operational transformation process, and in the public sector, it will also be an essential ally,” he emphasizes.

Could Serimag streamline procedures in another area related to mobility?

Given that it is a highly versatile service, all sectors handling large amounts of documents can potentially benefit from this solution.

The company has the capacity to analyze an average of between one and one and a half million reports per day.

Currently, the firm has around 30 people on its team, with profiles ranging from mathematicians, technicians, engineers to physicists.

Most of them have been involved since the company’s inception, so it is essential for the it to provide them with ongoing training.

Serimag offers personalized projects for each client, adapting the service according to specific needs and providing constant monitoring.

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