Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: May 27, 2024
Angeles Fonti
By Angeles Fonti
Latin America

Enel X targets “precise investments” to accelerate the eTruck boom

With solid foundations in Latin America, the leading electric mobility company highlights the region's precise investments and its efficient approach to implementing electromobility projects. All about Enel X Day.
Enel x

“Latin America has been very smart in adopting electromobility where it makes the most sense because we don’t have major incentives for it. This is key for future growth, allowing us to scale,” highlights Jean Paul Zalaquett, head of eMobility Latam at Enel X, in an interview with Mobility Portal Latin America.

Zalaquett, one of the leading figures and advocates for electromobility in the region, shares his perspectives on market development and upcoming trends.

The big boom this year is with trucks. It’s not just a few; there are thousands starting to take to the roads. It’s a challenge, both in terms of charging infrastructure and the changes it implies for sectors like mining, which is being electrified rapidly,” he comments in the context of Enel X Day.

What does he mean by “adopting investments where it makes the most sense”?

When asked about Enel X’s strategic approach, Zalaquett emphasizes the importance of making precise investments, focusing on sectors where electric vehicles (EVs) offer a clear economic advantage.

“We always make the right investments and use electromobility where it makes the most sense, where more kilometers are traveled, and therefore the economic equation of the total cost of owning an EV has always been as tight as possible,” he explains. This is what allows scaling.

A great example is the fleet of electric buses in Chile, which are economically viable and scalable.

“Today, all new buses in Chile are electric because it makes economic sense, besides the environmental benefits in terms of noise reduction, local pollution, and CO2 emissions, as well as energy independence,” he continues.

The same is happening with last-mile delivery fleets, taxis, and other electric passenger transport vehicles.

He states: “Electromobility has solid foundations in Latin America. The projects we have make sense from a technical, economic, and environmental perspective.”

What is Enel X’s secret to continuing advancement in electromobility?

“Electromobility is just beginning to write its story. We are prepared to support this growth with our customers,” he announces.

They aim to grow rapidly, but how?

“Here, I will reveal a secret: the combination of public and private charging infrastructure allows us to grow faster,” he responds.

Their accelerated growth is tied to their services, and that is precisely what they aim to enhance.

This vision aligns with their beginnings.

The electromobility segment started as an innovation initiative by Enel X, recognizing the potential of the interaction between supply and electrical distribution in the cities where they operate—São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Bogotá, and Santiago, places that have become major drivers of electromobility.

They faced two challenges: generating demand, as in 2010 this technology was virtually unknown, and developing the technology itself.

“In terms of generating demand, we initially sought to partner with EV manufacturers and potential fleet users to launch the first fleet of electric vehicles in Latin America,” he indicates.

This approach generated enthusiasm, and they managed to complete major projects, such as the first fleet of electric taxis in Bogotá and the first corporate fleet.

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