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Date: August 17, 2023
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Enel X Way moves forward with the electrification of Big Bus Tour in Paris

Enel X Way is working on the installation of 15 chargers to power Big Bus tour units in Paris, France. What does this electrification plan entail?
Big Bus Paris and Enel X Way
Big Bus Paris and Enel X Way

Enel X Way, a company that seeks to provide electric mobility solutions, is working on the installation chargers to electrify the fleet of the firm Big Bus Tour (B.B.T.), the largest operator of sightseeing bus routes.

Paris is the chosen city where the electric buses will circulate.

Martin Navarro, Director U.K. and Head of France and Northern Europe at Enel X Way.
Martin Navarro, Director U.K. and Head of France and Northern Europe at Enel X Way.

To learn more details, Mobility Portal speaks with Martin Navarro, Director U.K. and Head of France and Northern Europe at Enel X Way, who states:

“We are very proud to have won the tender in Paris. The project will be divided into two phases: the first involves five 150-kilowatt (kW) chargers, and the second involves ten more units.”

The project started the first week of June 2023.

Enel X Way has also made progress in electrifying the first part located in the workshop, where the buses receive maintenance.

It is worth highlighting that the project arose due to the existing need in Paris since, starting from 2025, all new buses must be electric.

Otherwise, operating companies will not be able to access concessions in public tenders to operate the new lines.

When asked about aspects that could improve the electrification conditions, Navarro responds:

It would be opportune for the permit application processes to be expedited since the main problem is related to execution times.”

And he adds: “The time it takes to process all the permits is what most delays and concerns companies and customers.”

Although the Director of Enel X Way indicates that each market operates differently, he acknowledges that streamlining procedures would help in the management processes.

He also emphasizes the need to maneuver to “align the times,” so as not to incur losses while waiting for public administrations.

What measures is France implementing to support electrification?

According to the public service company Enedis, their current focus is on meeting the additional electrical power needs at charging depots.

In this regard, Jean-Michel Jausseme, territorial delegate of Enedis, stated in a conference organized by ENVIRÓpro:

Jean-Michel Jausseme, territorial delegate of Enedis.

We have the capacity to optimize new connection points in collaboration with our network.”

He added: “We can also determine, on the lines where electrification is taking place, the locations where charging facilities can be optimized, such as the implementation of fast-charging systems for buses.”

Additionally, Jausseme mentioned that the company is working on the electrification of corporate fleets.

He stated that Enedis could provide advice for the efficient use of energy, thereby supplying everything from simple connections to network reinforcements or extensions.

“We have all the knowledge of our network, which allows us to develop services that provide information and mapping of their capacity,” explained the delegate.

“In other words, in a project, we can determine the capacity for both injection and extraction,” he clarified.

Moreover, the company offers a team that can simulate technical solutions and assess their costs.

Regarding the injection of renewable energies into the grid, Enedis stated that there are increasing cases.

“As renewables are in the spotlight, we must take into account new uses, such as the development of charging stations for light electric vehicles,” he said.

He added: “Now, we have the capacity to conduct prospective studies to assess potential impacts on our network in the medium and long term, considering different scenarios, and thus be able to pivot quickly.”

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