Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: February 13, 2024
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By Mobility Portal
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Flemish Government agrees on a bonus for EVs for one year: A prudent measure or an “electioneering trick”?

Unlike previously announced, the subsidy can only be applied for this 2024. Furthermore, the opposition criticized the measure, labeling it as an "electioneering trick".
Flemish Government, Lydia Peeters

On Friday, 9th of January, the Flemish Government reached an agreement on subsidies for electric vehicles, as reported by Lydia Peeters‘ spokesperson (Open VLD), the regional Minister of Mobility.

Unlike previously announced, the subsidy can only be applied for this 2024.

The grants remain unchanged: 5,000 euros for a new car priced below 40,000 euros and 3,000 euros for a second-hand one with an initial price not exceeding 60,000 euros.

Originally, the government planned for the subsidy application to be available for three years, but this was reduced to one year.

“The task of the next Flemish government is to decide on the future of this initiative,” Peeters’ office stated.

The Council of State previously warned that inequalities would develop if the allocated budget of 20 million euros couldn’t cover an increase in demand.

This led the Open VLD Minister to return to the Flemish Government with a revised proposal. The three-year period was scrapped, and the subsidy will only be accessible for one year.

However, this does not undermine the subsidy’s objective.

The Minister insists: “The aim of the subsidy is to encourage a shift towards zero-emission mobility, particularly for people hindered by the cost compared to a conventional fuel vehicle.”

Citizens can apply for the subsidy electronically from Monday, 12th of January, for any vehicle ordered from 25th of September onwards and registered no earlier than 1st of January 2024.

This includes cars, vans, and “micro-cars” (L7e-C category), provided they are classified as “zero emissions”.

For used cars, they must be a minimum of three years old and a maximum of eight years old. The portal provides a list of qualified models.

On the other hand, the opposition criticized the measure.

Stijn Bex (Groen), a member of the Flemish Green Party, condemned it as an “electoral stunt” using public funds and deemed it ill-conceived from the start.

Furthermore, he advocated for “investments in fair climate policy and public transport”.

Left-wing radical MP Jos Dhaese (PVDA) shares sentiments with Bex.

Dhaese would have preferred investing in public transport, “rather than gifting cars priced at 40,000 euros”.

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