Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: April 16, 2024
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Following the installation plan for EV charging stations, Brescia now has 250 infrastructures

The Municipality of Brescia and A2A have decided to accelerate the installation process of EV charging stations. The initiative aims to facilitate the spread of electric mobility in the city, meet the growing demand from citizens, and optimise urban charging based on the vehicle's parking time.
brescia charging points circontrol

The Municipality of Brescia and A2A have decided to accelerate the installation process of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Consequently, the installation plan has now been completed, amounting to 250 infrastructures.

The initiative aims to facilitate the spread of electric mobility in the city, and optimise urban charging based on the vehicle’s parking time.

Also, the positioning of the charging stations has been meticulously planned to cover all city neighbourhoods according to different charging needs, aiming to meet the increasing demand from citizens.

Since 2010, the A2A group has been developing a network of electric charging stations with different power levels to meet every type of need.

There are slow and overnight charges in the city for residents and fast and ultra-fast charges, ranging from 22 to 350 kilowatts, for extra-urban areas.

One focus of the plan will be to place slow charging stations, called “City Plug“, in existing parking lots, also giving those without an electric vehicle the opportunity to use the space.

After last summer’s inauguration of the City Plug on Via Boves, two more have been installed and are already operational in Via Serra and Via Torino in Brescia, bringing the total to 34 charging points.

A fourth City Plug station is being installed in the Villaggio Prealpino area.

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