Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: June 21, 2023
Foto Javi MP
By Javiera Altamirano

New AVERE Board of Directors: Maciej Mazur from the Polish Association takes over the presidency

With members from different countries, the new AVERE Board of Directors will work hard to make electric mobility a universal reality, not just a goal.
After the elections held during the General Assembly on June 20th, AVERE defined its new Board of Directors.

The European Association for Electromobility (AVERE) defined its new Board of Directors after the elections held during the General Assembly on June 20th.

In this way, Maciej Mazur, the Managing Director of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA – Polskie Stowarzyszenie Paliw Alternatywnych), was appointed as the president of the association.

Maciej Mazur, the Managing Director of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA).
Maciej Mazur, the Managing Director of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA).

Regarding this appointment, Mazur declares, “As the first leader of this organization from Poland and Central and Eastern Europe, I wish to bring a new quality to AVERE, including our ambition and strong determination to drive electric mobility dynamically and with dedication.”

The new president takes on the commitment to work with the members and the Board of Directors to ensure that the association fulfills the role of the European Union (EU) as a global leader in electromobility.

“With a global and EU policy focused on the electrification of road transport, now is the time for AVERE to work hard on supporting this process and entering the next decade with electric mobility as a universal reality, not only a goal,” indicates Mazur.

To achieve this, the association will seek to promote innovation, develop competencies to shape future electromobility technologies, and ensure that the regulatory ecosystem is prepared for its dynamic deployment.

“We strive to be the source of expertise, share knowledge, raise awareness, and develop lasting coalitions by cooperating with other leading organizations in Brussels and other EU capitals in the common pursuit of the overarching goal: the soonest electrification of road transport,” explains Mazur.

As for the vice presidency, it is held by Arturo Pérez de Lucia, CEO of the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Vehicles (AEDIVE); Baerte de Brey, International Director at ElaadNL, and Senior Advisor for Electric Mobility at Stedin.

Additionally, Espen Hauge from the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association; Patrik Krizansky, director of the Slovak Electric Vehicle Association (SEVA); and An De Pauw, a member of the EV Belgium council were appointed.

As Council Members, Ben Lawson, Vice President of Mobility for Europe at Enterprise Holdings; Francesco Naso, Secretary General at Motus-E; Haluk Sayar, Vice President of the Turkiye Electro Mobility Association; Janos Ungar from the Future Mobility Association; and Marjolaine Blondeau, responsible for EU policy and business development at Tesla, were named.

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