Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: July 18, 2023
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Singular Moves II: Government awards €234.6 million for eMobility projects

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Miteco) has awarded €234.6 million to 186 development projects and innovative solutions to promote electric mobility in the resolution of the second call of the Singular Moves II program.

According to a statement released by the Ministry on Monday, this call for the Singular Moves II Plan initially had a budget of €264 million, which had been allocated to 234 projects, of which 186 have accepted the funding.

Thus, €25.4 million have remained unallocated.

The department headed by Teresa Ribera emphasized the first call of the Singular Moves II, endowed with €100 million, which received applications from 175 projects worth €386 million.

This program is complementary to the rest of the Moves ecosystem calls, which is funded by the NextGeneration EU funds through the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR), to promote new technological developments in public and private transportation, accelerate their maturity, and subsequent commercialization.

“Large companies and SMEs, universities, research and development centers, as well as entities from the public institutional sector throughout Spain, have participated in both calls,” the Ministry stated in a press release.

“The great response highlights the need to continue incentivizing these innovative initiatives that facilitate the introduction of solutions that are not yet fully mature,” they added.

According to the Ministry, among the projects selected by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), there are initiatives for advanced solutions in charging infrastructure, battery development and energy storage applications, as well as new processes or prototypes of electric vehicles and associated components.

Highlights the innovative charging

By the number of awarded projects, the most noteworthy ones have been related to the deployment of innovative charging.

These include wireless charging, high-power charging with integration of renewable generation and storage, and modular battery swapping for electric fleet vehicles and last-mile delivery.

In addition to projects in other sectors such as aviation, maritime, or rail, funds have also been allocated to pilot lines for prototypes of new zero-emission coach models, both intercity electric buses and long-distance fuel cell buses.

Subsidies have also been granted to shared electric mobility projects in energy communities throughout Spain, aimed at developing community-driven digital tools to manage these mobility services.

Furthermore, proposals for designing, assembling, and prototyping new high-performance electric vehicles have received grants, with the aim of validating unprecedented technologies in the light electric vehicle sector.

This call did not accept proposals for the implementation of hydrogen refueling stations for fuel cell vehicles, as these initiatives have specific support programs under the renewable hydrogen promotion line.

In particular, the H2 Pioneers program, for which a second call has also been opened, with the deadline for submissions ending on July 31st.

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