Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: March 13, 2024
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Women at the wheel: What strategies does Fastned apply to boost female presence in the sector?

Formulating strategies that serve as a catalyst and promote the presence of women in leadership positions is no easy task. In this context, Inma Cima, Country Manager for Spain at Fastned, focuses on three fundamental pillars of action, among them, education.
Women day
Inma Cima, Country Manager for Spain at Fastned.

Gender disparity in the job market manifests in various ways, with one of the most noticeable being the low representation of women in executive roles.

While statistics may fluctuate and indicate a reduction in this inequality, differences persist.

So, what factors are essential when addressing the issue in the electromobility sector?

In this regard, Inma Cima, Country Manager for Spain at Fastned, defines three essential axes to promote women’s participation within the eMobility world.

“Education is paramount, not only in schools and universities but also at home. We must reinforce women’s professional development. We must believe that we can achieve what we set out to do and that there are no barriers,” reflects the executive.

Another point emphasized by Cima relates to the need to focus on youth.

That is, to draw from new companies specialized in electric mobility, which, although they have only been in the market for a few years, implement an inclusive corporate culture alongside policies that enhance female leadership.

Fastned is a Dutch ultra-fast charging company that recently landed in Spain with ambitions to deploy its own ultra-fast charging network.

It is an innovative company that has been operating for 12 years, with a flexible cultural imprint, where gender equality is emphasized in its operations.

In this way, the expert considers:

In young companies, there is no difference when hiring, nor does it matter if a person is male or female. These are very different cultures compared to those of older ones.”

A report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) concludes on the importance for companies to recruit women for leadership positions.

Thus, the ILO understands that gender balance, especially in decision-making levels, is beneficial for various reasons.

Therefore, adopting inclusion policies lays the groundwork for more diverse and productive companies.

The final pillar encompassing Cima’s schematization regarding the subject concerns role models.

In this way, she points to the need for having role models “whom we want to follow and who serve as a guide to motivate us and advance in our professional careers.”

Towards balance

The transition to sustainable and electric mobility is underway, as is a paradigm shift regarding the positioning of women in the workforce and in the professional world.

Increasingly, companies focused on eMobility are committed to gender parity in their workforce and the inclusion of women in leadership positions.

Currently, in Latin America and the Caribbean, the presence of women in the transportation sector ranges between 8 and 21 per cent of the workforce.

This occurs not only among senior ranks but also in trades.

In Spain, women account for 19.2 per cent of employment in the automotive sector, including manufacturing, sales, and vehicle repair.

And in the energy sector, the figures do not differ.

Fastned’s executive defines the sustainable mobility sector as “modern and constantly evolving,” thus collectively shaping it.

“Everything revolves around sustainability, and that is what sets it apart from others. There are many opportunities for women,” she points out.

The eMobility sector embraces women

Currently, those who join the world of sustainable mobility play essential roles.

In this context, Cima encourages more women to take an interest in the field.

“I encourage all women who consider joining the mobility sector. Being a new sector, in evolution, requires us to evolve personally and professionally,” she encourages.

And she concludes: “We are defining what the mobility of the future will be, and that is what makes it exciting. I invite all of you to join the sector.”

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