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Date: January 17, 2024
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At least 1,400 eBuses for Italy: What are the announced projects?

The goal of the Italian government is to achieve a fleet of 10,000 electric buses by 2030. In order to meet these targets, various firms have already announced plans to incorporate these vehicles. Which companies will be adding e-buses?
Italy electric buses

According to the National Association of Car Rental, Sharing Mobility, and Digital Automotive Industry (Associazione Nazionale Industria dell’Autonoleggio della Sharing Mobility e dell’Automotive Digital – ANIASA), the country has a figure that exceeds 2,700 electric buses.

However, the Italian government has set a goal of reaching 10,000 units by the year 2030.

While the goal may seem demanding, it is appropriate considering Italy’s position within the European region regarding the number of electric vehicles in the public transportation system.

With 2,700 units, the country ranks second behind Germany, which has a quantity exceeding 3,300 electric buses.

France holds the third position with a fleet of 2,360 units.

It is worth mentioning that, to foster a more favorable context for the expected growth, the national government has implemented a series of measures.

The package of policies applied is primarily directed at public transportation companies to facilitate the acquisition of green fleets.

Among the aids, certain subsidies for acquisition stand out, which can cover up to 60% of the cost of the vehicle.

Also, various tax reductions for these companies on tariffs that apply to buses.

In addition, a plan to deploy charging infrastructure throughout the country, whether in rural or urban areas.

In this regard, there are companies that have already announced the incorporation of a significant number of units in the coming years.

Below, Mobility Portal Europe shares the projects introducing electric buses.


The French company agreed in the middle of last year to produce 30 electric units to be distributed in Turin.

The firm responsible for distribution is Indcar.

The vehicles are six meters long and can transport up to 35 passengers. Additionally, they have compact dimensions.

Iveco Bus

The brand of urban, interurban, and tourist buses has signed a contract to supply 153 new electric vehicles to Azienda Trasporti Milanesi S.p.A. (ATM), the public transport company in Milan.

The amount disbursed exceeds 120 million euros, and the units will begin to arrive in early 2025.

Delivery is expected to be completed by mid-2026.

In the same vein, the company has won today its largest electric bus contract in Italy to date for the supply of 411 battery electric vehicles to the capital’s public transport operator ATAC.

Iveco’s electric unit.

The contract was signed for an amount of 300 million euros, and the first delivery of a batch of 110 units is scheduled for the end of 2024.

All the buses will be in operation by April 2026.

So far, IVECO has contributed 45% of the entire ATM fleet (550 buses out of 1,200).


The Turkish company has been contracted to contribute 29 electric minibuses, which will operate in different cities in Italy.

The Otokar e-Centro model has a size of 6.6 meters, and some of these units will be delivered to Rome in early 2024.

The remaining vehicles will be put into operation in the second half of the year in the cities of Siracusa, Salerno, Reggio Calabria, Cagliari, and Palermo.


The firm founded in 1945 won the tender called by National Public Procurement Center (Consip S.p.A.) in May for the supply of eight-meter electric buses.

The award concerns a tender for 1,000 units distributed for different companies, of which Rampini will contribute with 280 of its own.

One of the brand’s models, the Eltron, is the only eight-meter electric units built in Italy.

It is available in a version with two or three doors, is 2.2 meters wide, and can transport up to 48 passengers.


The Polish company is one of the firms planning to add electric buses in Italy in the short term.

As part of a contract signed by Consip S.p.A. in 2022, 32 Urbino 12 units and ten Urbino 18 units (a total of 42 vehicles) will enter service next year at the port of Catania.

Consip S.p.A. also agreed with the Polish company to purchase 100 Urbino 12 hybrid buses that will arrive in 2024 in Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia.

Finally, it is worth noting that the agreement for the acquisition of 105 Urbino 18 buses for the city of Milano and 98 for Cagliari was confirmed. The delivery is expected to start in early 2025.

Also, the addition of more units to the national public transportation system has come to light.

On January 3, the entry of 130 new vehicles, trolleybuses, and buses into Genoa’s transportation system was announced.

A significant portion of the new fleets will be supplied by Solaris, in collaboration with Skoda. Both companies will deliver 112 IMC trolleybuses valued at more than 100 million euros.

Within the new contract, the company Hess is also included, providing electric buses with fast charging for the Valbisagno route.

The vehicles will be delivered by October for an amount of 31 million euros.

Yutong and BYD

Both of Chinese origin, Yutong and BYD have secured two tenders for this type of transportation in southern Italy.

Bari will receive 99 electric buses through the distributor Yutong Euro Bus, financed with funds from the PNRR.

Taranto, another city in southern Italy, within Puglia region, same as Bari, will receive 45 units to be delivered by BYD.

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