Mobility Portal, Spain
Date: May 23, 2024
By Ailén Pedrotti
Spain flag

Top 100 LinkedIn eMobility influencers in Spain!

Mobility Portal España presents the third edition of its ranking of the most influential profiles in the world of electromobility. An analysis of thousands of names is released, featuring both familiar figures and new ones worth following. Below, the leaders on the podium and the complete list are revealed at the end of the article.
Top 100 LinkedIn eMobility influencers in Spain!

Presidents of international and national firms, directors of associations dedicated to the automotive and electromobility sector, CEOs and specialists are part of this special delivery of Mobility Portal España

On July 10, the “Top 50 eMobility influencers on LinkedIn” came to light and today we doubled the bet with the launch of the 100 most prominent executives.

Can you already imagine who occupies the first positions?

Some names that we have already seen in our previous rankings are repeated, as well as new figures are strongly positioned.

But as happens in the world of electromobility, things on social networks change very quickly.

The commitment to communication through the largest professional network becomes increasingly important and this does not go unnoticed by executives in the Spanish eMobility world.

Denying fears, communicating corporate news and sharing experience are just some of the things that can be seen when scrolling through “the feed” of some of these figures. 

But the most important thing is the network of contacts that they build every day on LinkedIn. 

Without further ado… we present the five profiles that earned their spot in Mobility Portal España’s ranking in this edition.

Position 1: Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros

Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, CEO of Linux

The young entrepreneur already has more than 70 followers on LinkedIn and has a career marked by sustainability. 

Known by some as the “Spanish Elon Musk and by others as a “top voice” of the professional platform, Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, CEO of Liux, occupies first place in this ranking of eMobility influencers. 

He is at the head of the brand of electric cars produced largely from plant materials, positioned as one of the great promises of the national electromobility sector. 

Every day he shares posts about the brand he leads with his professional network, but he also writes multiple entries related to sustainability and the labor market.

But also, the problems of the EV world are not left out of his perspective.

Position 2: Wayne Griffiths

The second place in this “eMobility ranking” could not be occupied, neither more nor less, by Wayne Griffith s, CEO at SEAT and CUPRA, with 39,445 followers. 

Wayne Griffiths, CEO at SEAT and CUPRA

In previous editions he was positioned at the top of this list, but in this installment he was displaced by the CEO of Liux.

He is a “rebel with a cause,” as he defines himself in his profile.

Griffiths began his career working in his father’s car dealership, before studying International Management and German in Leeds. 

He has always been linked to the Volkswagen group and today, he is also president of ANFAC, the Spanish association of car manufacturers.

His posts on LinkedIn speak directly to a large audience, focused on the news that the entrepreneur can provide about the companies he leads.

Position 3: Ferran Menescal Miralles

Ferran Menescal Miralles, Sales Manager Iberia in KEMPOWER

Third place goes to Ferran Menescal Miralles, Sales Manager Iberia at KEMPOWER, with more than 30,000 followers.

He has a degree in Chemical Technical Engineering from the UPC University of Barcelona and in recent years has focused on facilitating the decarbonization of transportation to build a more sustainable environment.

In his daily activity on the social network, he announces the initiatives of the company where he works, provides news from the sector and also conducts trivia to find out eMobility preferences, in terms of cars and trends.

Position 4: Gastón Fenés

Fourth place this time goes to Gastón Fenés, CEO and Founder of Mobility Portal Group

Gastón Fenés , CEO and Founder of Mobility Portal Group

The entrepreneur has more than 10 years of LinkedIn presence and 16 years of experience in the world of sustainable mobility and renewable energy, which has led him to cultivate a professional network that already exceeds 27,000 people. 

Throughout his life he has created news portals for the sectors in which he is immersed, he has organized events, among other networking activities, and he has not lost focus on his journalistic work.

And all this is reflected in each of his posts.

He shares his experiences, as well as news from the world of eMobility and clean energy. 

Position 5: Laura Ros Verhoeven  

Laura Ros Verhoeven, Group After Sales Managing Director at Volkswagen Group Spain Distribution, is the next one on this list of “LinkedIn eMobility influencers”, with a total of 24,000 followers.

Laura Ros Verhoeven , Group After Sales Managing Director at Volkswagen Group Spain Distribution

She is considered one of the most influential women, and one of the few, within the automotive world and the eMobility world. 

The current head of Volkswagen Spain is very knowledgeable about the sector where he has developed professionally all his life.

He has gone through almost all areas of work, from planning, selling and reviewing cars.

“I have been in one of the most exciting sectors in the world for more than two decades, promoting innovation as an engine of change in the way we move,” he comments in his profile description.

Influence not only in the virtual professional network, but also outside it.

Therefore, she has recently been invited by the platform to be part of its network of “influencers,” almost two years ago.

And now, the complete list of the 100 most influential profiles in the eMobility world of Spain:

Ranking positionInfluencerFollowersCompany
1Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros71337Liux
2Wayne Griffiths47744Seat
3Ferran Menescal Miralles30612Kempower
4Gastón Fenés27345Mobility Portal Group
5Laura Ros Verhoeven24202Volkswagen Group España Distribución
6José Miguel Aparicio19113AUDI
7Arturo Perez de Lucia Gonzalez18348AEDIVE
8Candido Garcia Blanco18152Barter
9Pere Soria Alcazar17986CIRCUTOR
10Albert Torras17468CIRCONTROL
11Miguel Carsi17241Toyota
12Jon Macías Santiago16693Edison Next
13Xavier Alvarez Domenech16523Endesa X Way
14Timo Buetefisch16199Cooltra
15Gerardo Pérez Giménez16057AECDR
16Tomás Villén15758PORSECHE
17Javier Izquierdo López, Ph.D.15405AEDIVE
18Juan Pablo Cantos Rojas-Marcos14832Iberdrola | bp pulse
19Mercedes García García14532Renault Group Iberia
20José Vicente de los Mozos13894INDRA
21Leopoldo Satrústegui Pérez de Villaamil13177Hyundai Motor España
23Alberto Olivera11579Smarts España
24Adriano Mones Bayo11198Phoenix Contact / AEDIVE
25Enric Asunción10702Wallbox
26Borja Moreno Candau10546ZeemGO
27Mikel Palomera10544SEAT / CUPRA
28José María Galofré Ragel10458Volvo Car España
29Eduardo Dívar10401Ka España
30Carlos Sanchez Sanz10212Kia España
31Emilio Herrera9484Kia Iberia
32Isabel Reija9182Amrop España
33Juan Luis Barahona9127Feneval
34Ángel L. Estrella8923Karsan
35Flavia Moreno-Barberá8814Smart Spain
36Borja Carabante8788Ayuntamiento Madrid
37Olga rybakova8771Vega chargers
38Andres Guevara de la Vega8624bp España
39David Muñoz Tirado8560Ford
40Francisco (Paco) Casas8414emovili
41Sara Aagesen8198Secretary of State for Energy
42Joan Hinojo7845CIRCONTROL
43Jorge Ríos Cortés7753Etecnic
44Francesc Corberó Vinyals7519Nissan Iberia
45Marta Blázquez7487FACONAUTO
46Iñigo Trasmonte García7459BYD
47Adam Horton7393Tesla
48Sebastian Fleischhacker7336Spirii
49Bruno (Mateus) Coimbra7332Mercedes-Benz
50Jordi Gazo7324FLOOX
51Jose Manuel Tirado7195CIRCUTOR
52Jose Manuel Tirado7183CIRCUTOR
53Imanol Rego7113Irizar Group
54Carlos Sotelo Rosell6992Silence
55Roberto Giner6952Octopus Energy España
56Xavier Castellsagué6442Endolla Barcelona
57Carlos de Luis6405Seat
58Jon Asin6263BeePlanet
59Max Hausmann6028etecnic
60Laura Goncalves6027Powerdot
61Jaime Barea Navamuel6019Ganvam
62Paco Pérez Botello5983Volkswagen Group España Distribución
63Uliana Torkunova5894LetMeCharge
64Javier Martínez Ríos5824EDP
66Elena Bernárdez Llorente5713Endesa X Way
67Ricard Puiggròs5696emovili
68David Huete Maestre5304zunder
69Miguel Cabaça5149Arval
70Felipe Fernández Aramburo5116Uber
71Xavier Cañadell5086Wallbox
72Miguel Cabaça5085ARVAL
73Iban Fontcuberta5008Vega chargers
74Manuel López Riego4945Grupo Concesur
75Moises Barea4943Wallbox
76Daniel Boluda4917Huawei Spain
77Rosa Caniego4884Jeep y Opel
78Josep M. Serra4817Floox
79Germán Agulló4601GDV MOBILITY
80Luciana (Lula) Aguilar Hermida4436We Drive Women
81Rebeca Torró4367Secretaria de Estado de Industria
82Stéphane Le Guével4209POLESTAR Iberia
83Adolfo Rebollo4196Ingeteam
84Alfonso Nogueiro4195GANVAM
85Pedro Garcia4165SAIC Motor
86Rocío González- Berenguer4102CEPSA
87Teresa Romo4088Northgate
88Ines Jaén Fernández3959Charge Guru
89Alberto Cantero Delgado3815WENEA
90Rafael del Río3741AEDIVE
91Jacobo Kalitovics3375tmb barcelona
92Javier Lázaro3228Xcharge
93Miguel Ángel Jiménez Belinchón3207AEDIVE
94Daniel Pérez Gutiérrez3172ZUNDER
95David Vallespin3021Eranovum E-Mobility
96Diego Gago Bugarín2994beBartlet
97Alvaro Vázquez Suárez2959ABB
98Allard Sellmeijer2909ionity
99Jose Lopez-Tafall2668ANFAC
100Javier Osoro Andrade2523OMODA España
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